I’ve been passionately studying numerology for over 10 years.
To be honest, I’m more interested in events, times, and places instead of people.
Yet, numerology, specifically the Rule of 9 system, allowed me to get a clear understanding of who I am and what I’m here to do.
What I’ve learned is each number affects us at different times.
This influence is based on the month, day, and calendar year.
The key is to know your personal numbers, which most people call your life path, soul number, outer personality, and destiny.
Once you learn your numbers, then you should learn how the other numbers relate to each number.
Because outside of your personal numbers and the number you’re vibrating on for the year, the numbers change daily.
This is a crucial part of being successful in this current society.
We are fully into the Age of Aquarius.
So, the Age of Pisces is over, and the elements that went with it are history.
Aquarius is an age which will show mental strength or weakness.
Unfortunately, we are seeing weak mentalities being devoured as many hold on to the old system.
We were warned that this would occur but lack the ability to hear.
Now we are playing catch up with concepts like the law of attraction which is being taught wrong like many of the other universal laws.
There’s a crucial need to reevaluate and restructure the teachings of the universal laws to fit the Age of Aquarius.
This doesn’t mean that the laws have changed.
It does mean the teachings or interpretations are off.
At the same time, there are people claiming to be masters and priests who never sat at the feet of those who have proven to be masters and priests.
These self-proclaimed masters and priests are giving wrong lessons for this day and age.
To survive and progress in this era, new communities must be developed.
This doesn’t mean that we should start building like we are in the 1700s.
The established society has allotted us the ability to build with modern tools and still use sacred sciences that have been left by the masters and priests of old.
As my master teacher has taught, “the only thing constant in the world is change.”
With this change, people are quitting jobs, which aligns with this day and time.
It’s been labeled The Great Resignation and I Quit.
Political plans like American Rescue Plan operates on outdated concepts.
We see the problem, although many of us want to hold on to the old system.
Others want to make our way of life go with the universal flow.
Therefore, a great mind has created an app called gigchasers to assist people in earning a living.
Alternatives are the answer.
Because the Age of Aquarius tells us so, and we are responsible.
As my numerology teacher writes, "to be continued..."
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